Dart Kleiderordnung – die Wahrheit über den Dresscode [PDC Regeln]

Lukas ist Dart Fan der ersten Stunde und seit über 10 Jahren passionierter Dartspieler. Spätestens nach dem Besuch der Darts WM 2016 im ehrwürdigen Alexandra Palace mit seinem späteren Co-Founder und damaligen WG-Partner Timm war für ihn klar: Darts muss auch in Deutschland größer und bekannter werden. Mit myDartpfeil und dem weltweit einzigartigen Dartpfeil Konfigurator kann sich jeder Dartspieler - von Anfänger bis Profi - seine eigenen, perfekten Dartpfeile zusammenstellen und individuell gestalten.

In this blog post we would like to deal with a topic that always causes discussions - not only among professionals, but also among hobby players.

It's about the dart dress code. Some newcomers to darts will be asking themselves at this point: Is there really a dress code in darts?!

Yes, there are! And not without reason . But more on that later. Here we will go into a little more detail about what is allowed and what is not .

Because not every piece of clothing finds its place on the big PDC stage or even at small hobby player tournaments.

The dart dress code – how did it even come about?

Darts wasn't always the sport it is today. Quite the opposite. Darts used to have a reputation as a bar sport that only involved smoking, drinking and partying.

Ok, perhaps this may still apply to some extent today, at least to the audience, but not to the actors on stage. Here the PDC has introduced rules that should lead to a uniform darts dress code .

The main reason was that the sport should be made more professional. In order to give players the opportunity to earn money with the sport of darts, it was necessary for the sport to get away from its bad image .

And the dress code was a first step in this direction, because it is now considered dart etiquette that a player should not violate .

Only if the sport presents a serious image can it be possible to attract larger sponsors who are willing to invest in the sport. And that's exactly what happened after darts professionalized.

The rules for the PDC dart dress code

The PDC, in collaboration with the DRA, the Darts Regulation Authority , has designed very specific PDC rules that apply equally to every player.

For example, players are not allowed to wear jeans , but should instead wear so-called cloth trousers, which are a little finer. Sports shoes are also not welcome . Pay attention next time at a TV tournament and you will notice that all of the players are usually wearing elegant patent leather shoes .

Tracksuits, normal T-shirts or even shorts are also considered a no-go in the PDC. An interesting fact when you consider that it can get up to 50 degrees Celsius on stage. Nevertheless, the PDC makes no exceptions here.

If there are doubts as to whether an outfit is appropriate for a tournament, the tournament management can even make a decision and, in the worst case , exclude the player from the tournament .

The classic player outfit is: shirt with collar, black trousers, dark patent leather shoes.

Another interesting fact about the shoes: so-called business sneakers are allowed, in contrast to normal sports shoes. It is important that the shoes are black and the sole is dark .

Dart clothing: How much sponsorship is allowed on the shirt?

The shirt in particular plays a special role here. The player's shirt should resemble a shirt or at least a shirt with a collar . Each player is usually supported by various sponsors .

In order to be visible on television, this is done via so-called patches that are embroidered on the shirt. In order not to allow any advertising madness here, the PDC also has very clear rules about what is allowed and what is not. Let's go into this in more detail.

  • Players are allowed to wear up to 4 of their own patches on a shirt
  • In addition, the PDC offers players the opportunity to wear two additional patches for a financial contribution (obviously from sponsors and partners of the PDC).

There are even recommendations made by the PDC regarding the order. For example, different recommendations apply to right-handed people than to left-handed people.

Infobox: A lot of money is made with betting providers, especially in darts. The PDC also makes clear regulations here, as betting providers often have the rights to an entire tournament . Like the World Cup, for example. Here the main sponsor and namesake is William Hill.

The rules of the Darts World Cup regarding the dress code state that no other betting provider may be worn as a patch on the shirt - topic: non-competition .

Infobox: A Unibet patch should never be visible due to the dress code at the PDC World Championship.

PDC dress code: The consequences of ignoring the regulations

The PDC also stipulates that players are not allowed to wear similarly colored jerseys to avoid confusion . Even the manufacturer's name of the shirt must not be visible (i.e. Nike, Adidas, etc.).

These should be covered with an official advertising patch. Advertising on the collar, entire slogans or other things are also not allowed.

Many will now ask: and why does Peter Wright seem so completely different and colorful? There is an explanation for this too. The PDC says players who define their identity through outfit are allowed to do so to a certain extent.

If the PDC's strict dress code regulations are ignored, the DRA, which controls such things, reserves the right to punish the respective players accordingly - financially or even with exclusion from a tournament or competition.

The comparison to the DDV: What differences are there in the dart dress code?

Of course, the German Darts Association also has its own dress code . However, the DDV dress code differs in certain respects from that of the PDC.

For example, the DDV dress code states that “proper” clothing must be worn. So not sweatpants, but in contrast to PDC jeans.

However, black trousers should be worn in all team competitions. It is also necessary to wear closed shoes and, in team competitions, an identical top .

Headgear , including hats, are strictly prohibited . Advertising is also not permitted if a DDV tournament sells rights to a sponsor.

Other darts associations: How do BDO and WDF handle darts clothing?

At the BDO there are not so strict regulations when it comes to dress code. The only point here is that the dress code should be appropriate and, if necessary, must be approved by the referee.

Ultimately, there are hardly any differences in the dress code of the players from the BDO to those from the PDC on stage.

An absolute no-go in the dart dress code: sweatpants

And, because this question often concerns dart players, we will give a short and concise answer here. Jogging pants are an absolute no-go in official darts competitions, whether for amateur or professional players!

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