DSAB – der mit Abstand größte Dartverband in Deutschland

Lukas ist Dart Fan der ersten Stunde und seit über 10 Jahren passionierter Dartspieler. Spätestens nach dem Besuch der Darts WM 2016 im ehrwürdigen Alexandra Palace mit seinem späteren Co-Founder und damaligen WG-Partner Timm war für ihn klar: Darts muss auch in Deutschland größer und bekannter werden. Mit myDartpfeil und dem weltweit einzigartigen Dartpfeil Konfigurator kann sich jeder Dartspieler - von Anfänger bis Profi - seine eigenen, perfekten Dartpfeile zusammenstellen und individuell gestalten.

This blog post is about the largest darts association in Germany - the DSAB. There are many darts associations, but before steel darts became popular in recent years, many more people played electronic darts .

The DSAB gave these players a home. The dart league organizes all major electronic darts tournaments and is considered a pioneer. The number of members is far higher than any other darts association in Germany. Soft darts have been popular for much longer than steel darts .

What is the DSAB?

The abbreviation DSAB stands for Deutscher Sportautomatenbund e. V. As the name suggests, the DSAB is an association for e-darts.

In every league of the darts association, you play on so-called darts machines, which can be found in many pubs and restaurants in Germany. This is also the reason for the size and popularity of the association. Dart machines have been available in pubs for decades, while steel darts are still having to establish themselves in restaurants - also because of financial incentives , but more on that later.

The DSAB provides structure to the electronic darts scene . In each federal state there are several local leagues in which the local teams compete against each other .

The official website of the association is dsab-vfs.de . The second abbreviation – vfs – stands for Verein zur Förderung des Automatensports e. V.. VFS DSAB is therefore not only an association, but also an association for the promotion of this sport.

This gives the construct more structure and ensures the constant expansion of the league system .

The History of the DSAB League

The beginnings of DSAB Dart go back several years. In September 1989, the German Sports Machine Association was founded to promote and structure the promotion of e-darts.

Since there had always been big differences in the quality between the opponents, the DSAB pioneered a league system in which the players or teams were divided into A, B and C classes - depending on their strength. This meant that every team could compete with opponents on equal terms .

Dart history knowledge: The rapid rise of the darts association reached its first peak around the turn of the millennium. Almost 18,000 teams were registered with the DSAB in 2000 - an incredible number for a niche sport in Germany.

This shows that the German Sports Machine Association recognized the need very early on and drew the right conclusions .

Why is the German Sports Slot Machine Association so big?

The reasons for the size of the DSAB are varied and often simple. Such an association can only offer a place for many people if membership is simple and attractive .

In 1999, more than 800 teams took part in the DLMM, the German League Team Championships – the largest darts tournament in the world at the time.

There are other reasons for the success and size of the DSAB. One of them is its age. The darts association has existed for 31 years now . This shows that the association had been attracting members interested in darts long before the darts boom in Germany.

There are also two practical examples of why the DSAB has grown.

  • First of all, it is interesting to know how many members the association has in total. The answer: a whopping 80,000 members!
  • One main reason is the attractiveness for pubs . A pub earns money with e-darts. How? Firstly, through the drinks and food sold during a darts game. The dart machine also offers the opportunity to generate money , because the landlord receives a portion of the money thrown in for each game. That is why e-darts are often more interesting for pubs than steel darts.
  • A final point for the success of the DSAB is that people can easily join . Joining the DSAB is easy. All you need is a Löwen dart machine and a minimum number of players for a team. The financial outlay to put a team in an official DSAB league is also manageable.

DSAB rules, rankings, leagues and tournaments

In the last chapter about the largest darts association in Germany, we take a closer look at the rules , rankings , leagues and tournaments . How is the association organized?

The leagues are organized by federal state. In each federal state there are many local leagues in which the teams can compete against each other locally without having to travel long distances.

An example: In Rhineland-Palatinate there is a division into several major regions. Within each major region there is a further division based on quality - depending on the number of teams - into several A, B and C classes. This league structure has been working successfully for several decades.

For each of these leagues there is a corresponding individual, team, result and round ranking that the players of the league can view. In addition to this league system, there are also other tournaments .

The largest of these tournaments is the German League Team Championship (DLMM), which takes place in Geiselwind .

The ranking structure of the DSAB

Also interesting is the DSAB Tour, where a Germany-wide ranking list is created.

But back to Geiselwind: In addition to the DLMM, the Masters of Masters also takes place here, where you compete against your opponents in singles, as well as the German Championships.

rules of the Dart Association

The rules of the DSAB differ little from the rules of steel darts – with two exceptions. In electronic darts , the darts that fall out of the dartboard also count.

In addition, the distance to the board was adjusted a few years ago. Previously, throwing was done from 2.44 m . Now the throwing distance is 2.37 m , similar to steel darts.

Conclusion on the DSAB

The DSAB is the largest darts association in Germany and offers an excellent structure for all e-darts players . With its flexible league systems, simple membership conditions and attractive offers for pubs, the DSAB has built up a large membership base . Whether you are a new player or have been around for a long time, the DSAB has something to offer everyone.

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