Darts Zimmer – so wird dein Dartraum zum absoluten Knaller

Lukas ist Dart Fan der ersten Stunde und seit über 10 Jahren passionierter Dartspieler. Spätestens nach dem Besuch der Darts WM 2016 im ehrwürdigen Alexandra Palace mit seinem späteren Co-Founder und damaligen WG-Partner Timm war für ihn klar: Darts muss auch in Deutschland größer und bekannter werden. Mit myDartpfeil und dem weltweit einzigartigen Dartpfeil Konfigurator kann sich jeder Dartspieler - von Anfänger bis Profi - seine eigenen, perfekten Dartpfeile zusammenstellen und individuell gestalten.

Especially when it starts to get cold in the autumn and winter months, people retreat into their own four walls. This is especially true in times of the corona pandemic.

But the cold season is also the heyday of darts . It's not for nothing that many hobby players set up their own darts room so that they can pursue the hottest hobby in the world.

However, there are a few things you should keep in mind to give your own retreat a certain flair . In this blog post you will find some inspiration that you should definitely not miss when expanding your dart dream.

The dart room – a retreat for dart crazy people

On social media, players often share what their dart dreams look like at home. It is noticeable that there are no limits to creativity .

We would like to show you how we would prepare our personal dart room. In addition to the classic utensils that are indispensable, the devil is often in the details. Especially at the time of the Darts World Cup, the atmosphere should be appropriate.

The system in the darts room: board, stand, surround

First of all, you should think about where certain things will fit in your darts room. The basic dart system includes, for example, the dartboard , the dart stand and the surround , which protects the wall from incorrect throws.

Let's start with the board, because alongside your own darts, which we assume at this point, it is certainly the most important item in your dart room.

When it comes to dartboards, it is important that the wire is as thin as possible in order to avoid bounces and therefore protect the floor. With Winmau, Unicorn and Target there are three well-known manufacturers whose dartboards are perfect.

However, we recommend the Winmau Blade 5 because it has the best reputation in the entire darts scene - be it in terms of longevity or bouncers.

Attach the dartboard firmly to the wall?

In the next step you should ask yourself whether you want to attach the board permanently to the wall. This is important because the wall often transmits the sound of the arrows hitting .

Especially if you have neighbors in the same building or a terraced house that borders another, this can lead to complaints from the neighbors in the long run.

But we have a solution for this too: With the Winmau dart stand, your board is rock-solid. In addition, because it is decoupled from the wall, it no longer transmits sound .

But your system is only complete with a decent surround. And here we come to the so-called WDS – the Wooden Dartboard Surround .

In our shop you can choose between an elegant wooden surround, the classic collecting ring or an individually printed version. When mounted firmly on the wall, the Wooden Dartboard Surround looks much more impressive than a normal catch ring .

If you use a dart stand, a surround - perhaps printed with a few individual words - makes more sense. The dartboard wall protection is an absolute must for your sports room .

The oche in the dart room: self-made or a dart carpet?

If your system is now in the darts room, then you can venture to the oche. Here too, there are different ways to furnish the room stylishly.

The simplest solution is a so-called dart carpet. With this you have protection under the board for your floor and the launch line is displayed on the carpet .

Infobox: In the case of a dart carpet, make sure that you have an elevation at the launch line so that you don't subconsciously step over it.

To rule this out right from the start, you can also build an oche yourself. So you probably get relatively close to the system as it is set up at the PDC. You can make the oche out of wood and cover it with a kind of felt if you wish, thus matching the color to the rest of the darts room.

The dart devil is in the details – lighting etc.

Now you have your entire board system in place. But how does the sports room become your own little Ally Pally ? As is often the case in life, it's all about the details to give the room that certain extra something.

One of these details is the illumination of the entire board system . The dartboard must not cast any shadows that could irritate you while playing darts.

The PLASMA dartboard lighting from Winmau, for example, offers perfect illumination. It doesn't get in the way, is easy to install and illuminates the board perfectly .

Infobox: The lack of dart lighting is a common reason why players lose the feeling for the distance to the dartboard . So don't underestimate this aspect!

But what if the Darts World Cup is on TV and you want to follow it during your training? Well, in this case a television should not be missing . Many hobby players are always at the board when there is a live darts event going on at the same time.

So it makes perfect sense that, if there is enough space in your darts room, you should hang a TV on the wall so that you can watch the many darts tournaments throughout the year .

Little things ensure a well-rounded picture in the darts room

So now your darts room has everything it needs, right? Not quite yet! A few little things are still missing. For example a screen hanging on the wall or something similar with a darts program like N01 .

N01 is a program that shows you how many points you have left , how things are in the game and where your average is . Many apps also provide these statistics, but with a permanently installed screen on the wall, both players can always see their statistics at a glance.

We also recommend that beginners hang a checkout table next to the board or somewhere else where it is clearly visible. Because nothing is worse than having to think for a long time about which way you have to play for a finish .

Infobox: Any interruption that takes too long to think about the right checkout route can throw you off your rhythm.

The showcase for your dart room

The final item in your darts room is a display case. Real darts lovers ensure that their materials , trophies and other darts-related trinkets are carefully stored .

And what better way to do this than in a beautiful glass display case. Be it the jersey of your favorite player , your own darts or other accessories or the winner's trophy from the last small darts tournament among friends.

And now: have fun preparing your dart room.

Ready to upgrade your darts game? Discover everything you need to know about the best dart equipment and how it can improve your accuracy: