Elektronische Dartscheibe: Was beim Kauf beachten?

Lukas ist Dart Fan der ersten Stunde und seit über 10 Jahren passionierter Dartspieler. Spätestens nach dem Besuch der Darts WM 2016 im ehrwürdigen Alexandra Palace mit seinem späteren Co-Founder und damaligen WG-Partner Timm war für ihn klar: Darts muss auch in Deutschland größer und bekannter werden. Mit myDartpfeil und dem weltweit einzigartigen Dartpfeil Konfigurator kann sich jeder Dartspieler - von Anfänger bis Profi - seine eigenen, perfekten Dartpfeile zusammenstellen und individuell gestalten.

In Germany, the so-called e-dart is still much better known today than the steel dart variant , which is, however, on the rise. E-dart teams meet in many pubs and locations and play on a so-called dart machine or an electronic dartboard. If you prefer the electronic version to steel darts, then you may not have the space for an entire e-dart machine in your living room. Here you have the option of hanging up a simple electronic dartboard. But what should you pay attention to here? We will inform you and give you an overview.

Enjoy the reputation of the hobby player

While steel darts now offer considerable amounts of prize money , e-darts, which involve throwing at an electronic dartboard, still enjoy a reputation as a pub sport. Nevertheless, it should be taken into account that some of today's top players come from the e-dart sector. For example, the Austrian Mensur Suljovic. E-darts often deliberately advertise the reputation of hobby or bar players. Ultimately they are two identical games. Especially since the throwing distance of the e-dart was adjusted to that of the steel dart variant in 2016 - to 2.37.

Electronic dartboard – differences and variants

As with steel dartboards , there are certain quality parameters for electronic dartboards that show how good or bad an electronic dartboard is. The biggest advantage of the electronic dartboard is the automatic summing of the scores. The points also count if an arrow falls out of the target again.

The size of the fields – 2-hole or 3-hole disc

Anyone who thinks that every e-dart board is surely standardized is wrong. As a hobby player, you may not have even noticed, but there are two “different” boards in e-darts. The beginner's version is the 3-hole disc. In this model, the triple fields have three rows of holes to hit the field. This looks different with an official tournament board in e-darts. Here the triple fields only have two rows of holes to hit the triple field. Ultimately, this means that the tournament board has the correct dimensions with two rows. The beginner's version with three rows is therefore more suitable for training a beginner. However, it is important that you are aware of this difference and that you can base your decision to purchase an electronic dartboard on this.

Electronic dartboard – The structure and the material

Depending on how much space you have at home, it is also possible to attach larger dart boards for the e-dart to the wall. Small models usually have the counter display below and a few buttons to make certain settings. Larger boards often include an entire dart cabinet to close the electronic dartboard. The meters are also often mounted above or on the side. Visually, it looks a little better than the cheaper version.

When it comes to the material, the manufacturers use classic plastic. This is then linked to the electronics to count the points when an arrow hits. You should make sure that the holes are processed as finely as possible. The problem with larger holes is that the disc doesn't always recognize the arrows when they hit the board and the arrows often fall out. This can lead to damage to your darts. The finer the processing, the better the linked electronics work in the background.

The heart of the e-dartboard – the software

The functions of an e-dartboard are certainly one of the most important purchasing factors for an e-dart player. So you should do a little research beforehand to find out what the respective electronic dart board can do. The number of players is the first characteristic here. Many discs have two or four counters for the number of players. In the end, of course, it also depends on what you want to use the electronic dartboard for. If you're looking to freshen up your next party, it's worth purchasing a disc with multiple counters for many players. But if you just want to train or play against each other in a one-on-one duel, then a product with just two counters is sufficient. In general, however, it is never wrong to choose the electronic dartboard that offers the opportunity to play with as many players as possible, given the same performance criteria.

The game modes are of course also crucial. There are now a number of games that you can play in electronic darts on a machine in the pub. You probably won't have these options with a normal e-dartboard for private use. Therefore, you should focus on the game modes that you really need. The following are particularly popular:

  • 701, 501, 301
  • Cricket
  • Shanghai
  • Master out or double out
  • Around the Clock

However, it is quite possible that your electronic dartboard allows for many more variations. These are just a rough selection of the game modes that should definitely not be missed.

The price – from dirt cheap to overpriced

E-dartboards are available in a wide price range. Cheap versions are available for around 40 euros. However, it should be said that these are often not the tournament variant and are not of very high quality. Most often these are electronic dart boards that are more suitable for party use - the so-called 3-hole boards. If you want something a little more elegant, you will find good models in the range between 120 and 180 euros. Here you can get good models for your money that have a lot to offer. We recommend the CB90 dart machine . If that's not enough for you, you can also move up to the top price tier. There are also a number of dartboards to choose from for over 200 euros. But here you should consider whether you really need one. We'll leave out the dart machines at this point - very few people have the money and space to set up such a complete machine at home.

The sound makes the music – pay attention to the volume!

In contrast to steel darts, playing on an electronic dartboard creates a certain background noise. Every throw into a high triple segment is accompanied by a sound. Checking out cannot be missed either. But it's not just the sound itself that is important, but especially the volume when the arrows hit. If you throw at an electronic dartboard, you will quickly notice that it is quite loud over time. Therefore, you should make sure to choose a disc where the volume is slightly dampened. The quieter the better and your neighbor will thank you for it too.

Electronic dartboard and the power supply: batteries or power cable?

Of course, the power supply also plays a role. Almost all electronic dartboards have an included power cable. From an environmental perspective, this is probably the best way to operate your dartboard. However, if you would like to do without the cable for optical or other reasons, many products on the market also offer the option of operating the board with batteries. However, this is usually significantly more expensive in the long run. You also have to always keep a close eye on the energy. Especially if the board cannot be installed near a power outlet, it is worth using batteries.

Ready to upgrade your darts game? Discover everything you need to know about the best dart equipment and how it can improve your accuracy:

  • Here you can find out more about Soft dart tips , their use and differences. Click here to get an overview!
  • Here you can find out more about dart stands and their advantages and disadvantages. Click here to find out if a dart stand is worth it for you!