Dart-Verein gründen: Schritt für Schritt erklärt

Lukas ist Dart Fan der ersten Stunde und seit über 10 Jahren passionierter Dartspieler. Spätestens nach dem Besuch der Darts WM 2016 im ehrwürdigen Alexandra Palace mit seinem späteren Co-Founder und damaligen WG-Partner Timm war für ihn klar: Darts muss auch in Deutschland größer und bekannter werden. Mit myDartpfeil und dem weltweit einzigartigen Dartpfeil Konfigurator kann sich jeder Dartspieler - von Anfänger bis Profi - seine eigenen, perfekten Dartpfeile zusammenstellen und individuell gestalten.

The sport of darts is becoming increasingly popular, which is why more and more dart clubs are being founded. There are now well over 10,000 people active in a dart club and it is not surprising that the number is growing.

However, there are still far too few clubs where players can exchange ideas and play together. That's why many people are thinking about founding a darts club so that they can play together nearby.

So that you don't have to spend hours researching online, we have summarised the most important things for you here if you also want to start a darts club.

Under what conditions can you start a darts club?

In general, according to Article 9 of the Basic Law, every German citizen can found an association as long as it does not violate the constitution or the criminal law .

If you want to start a darts club so that you can play together, watch darts on TV or just exchange ideas, there must be at least 7 founding members .

If you do not want to register the dart club in the association register, you only need 2 founding members. Furthermore, the number of members must not fall below 3 after the club has been founded.

  • Anyone who wants to start a darts club must remember that it must be designed to last .
  • Furthermore, there must be a board that legally represents the association. The board must consist of at least one person .
  • The darts club must also pursue an idealistic purpose and must not be geared towards commercial operations .

All founding members must sign the statutes of the dart club and each member receives a copy of the founding documents and the statutes .

In addition, a notarized certification of the dart club's statutes is required if you want to register the dart club. This registration then takes place at the district court in your city .

Starting a darts club: A short guide

To give you a quick overview, we would like to give you a short step-by-step guide if you want to start a darts club. Below you will also find out what you need for the darts club's statutes and what costs you will incur with the darts club.

  1. Find founding members: To establish a darts club, you need 2 or 7 founding members, depending on the legal form. These can be natural persons, corporations or other associations, provided that they are legally competent.
  2. Founding meeting: This is followed by a founding meeting at which all founding members must be present . Among other things, the statutes are adopted here, the club board and the other club bodies are elected. It can also be determined who the darts caller is. At the end , all founding members sign the statutes of the darts club.
  3. Entry in the association register: After the founding meeting, the association is founded. An entry can then be made in the association register in order to obtain legal capacity. In order to register the darts club, you must submit the registration letter , the notarized original version of the association's statutes and the founding protocol to the local court .
  4. Finally, you can apply to the tax office for non-profit status for the dart club . To do this, you will need the register extract and the club statutes , which you must submit to the tax office .
  5. Now it is time to open a business account for the darts club. All finances will then be processed through this account.

Writing the statutes for a darts club: This is what matters

The association's statutes are the most important thing of all . They are the core of the association and, among other things, they define the goals , the rules as well as the rights and duties of the members and the association's board.

At the same time, entry in the register of associations can only be made if proper statutes are in place .

An association's statutes should contain at least 8 paragraphs so that they are recognized by the legislature. The following points are important:

  • Club name
  • Headquarters of the dart club
  • Purpose of the association
  • Entry and exit regulations
  • Rules for keeping minutes
  • Information on membership fees and entry fees when competitions take place
  • How board elections should be conducted
  • Rules for general meetings
  • Information on registration

You can also add further paragraphs to the statutes:

  • Non-profit status of the association
  • What regulations apply for a person to become a member.
  • What dart dress code should apply?
  • What are the reasons for termination?
  • What are the reasons for exclusion?
  • What should happen with the prize money or surpluses?
  • Duties of the Board
  • How do you go about dissolving a club?
  • The role of club members in league sports

As you can see, there are numerous additional paragraphs that you can include in the association's statutes.

How much does it cost to start a darts club?

Founding a darts club is not that expensive. You have to expect costs of around 150 euros if you want to found a darts club. However, keep in mind that this varies from state to state and the costs for the darts club can therefore vary greatly.

If you need legal advice, these costs will be added to the darts club's costs. There are also costs for furnishing the premises . However, you must definitely expect these costs:

  • 20 to 30 euros for notarial certification
  • 50 to 60 euros for registration in the association register
  • 20 to 30 euros for registration at the local court

How old do you have to be to start a darts club?

To establish a darts club, the founder must have limited legal capacity , which means that he must be at least 7 years old but not older than 18 years.

From the age of 18, the founder has full legal capacity. If the founder of the dart club is a minor, it must be ensured that the founding does not entail any financial burden . If this is the case, a legal representative of the child must consent to the minor being a founding member.

How long does it take to set up a darts club?

The establishment of a darts club is usually very quick and can basically be done in a day . Unless you want to establish a registered club. In this case, the establishment of the darts club can take around 6 weeks , as the club has to be registered and registered .

Register a darts club: You must inform these authorities

If you want the dart club to have legal capacity, it must be registered in the association register of the local court. However, you can only have the club registered there if it is not only designed for economic purposes , but also for idealistic purposes .

Founding a darts club: The alternative to a darts club

A darts club is an excellent alternative to a darts association. If you look at the history of darts , you will find many darts associations that started out as clubs .

A darts club, like a club, is about darts players meeting up to play darts together, to exchange ideas or to watch darts together on TV.

However, a darts club has a decisive advantage over a darts association. It is simpler , less formally organized and therefore not as strictly regulated as the association.

If you are thinking about starting a darts club, proceed as follows:

  • Find interested parties , organize meeting points and get the equipment for the clubhouse or wherever you meet.
  • Find a logo and club name , set rules and regulate membership models.
  • Finally, you just need to advertise your club so that you can find lots of members. When you think it's time, you can turn the dart club into a dart association.


As you can see, setting up a darts club is not rocket science and it is actually relatively quick if you don't register it. But even then, the process is completed in around 6 weeks . Even the costs are manageable if you don't need legal advice or have to set up the premises accordingly.

To test the whole thing out, you can also simply start a darts club, which is a lot more relaxed. All you need is a few interested people , a club name and a logo , and a few rules that can be set up quickly.

Maybe you have already developed a dart nickname and can use it to advertise in order to find more members and interested parties so that the association or club can also become successful.

Ready to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of darts? Discover the secrets, tactics and captivating stories behind this exciting sport. Click in now and become a darts enthusiast!

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