501 Darts, 301 Darts – X01 Spiele, Erklärung & Dart Regeln

Lukas ist Dart Fan der ersten Stunde und seit über 10 Jahren passionierter Dartspieler. Spätestens nach dem Besuch der Darts WM 2016 im ehrwürdigen Alexandra Palace mit seinem späteren Co-Founder und damaligen WG-Partner Timm war für ihn klar: Darts muss auch in Deutschland größer und bekannter werden. Mit myDartpfeil und dem weltweit einzigartigen Dartpfeil Konfigurator kann sich jeder Dartspieler - von Anfänger bis Profi - seine eigenen, perfekten Dartpfeile zusammenstellen und individuell gestalten.

In today's blog post we will look at the classics of steel darts . In addition to many great dart games with which you can spend the evening in front of the dartboard with friends, classic dart games are mostly used.

We're talking about the X01 games , such as 501 Darts . We will specifically look at the rules of the classics and explain a few variations on how these games can be modified as desired .

Whether 501, 701 or even 1001, there are no limits to your imagination.

Darts in its original form - 501 darts

In general, most of you will know the game by 501. The reason is simple, because in all known TV tournaments, a leg is reduced to 0 points in mode 501.

Every dart fan knows what to do with this number. That's why it is considered the most classic game that can be played on a steel dartboard . But for beginners we would like to explain again how exactly such a dart game actually works.

Darts in its original form - 501 darts

The classic dart games explanation

The Dart 501 rules briefly explained: In a classic 501 dart game , two players compete against each other . The goal is to get the 501 points down to zero – and to do so as quickly as possible.

The game can be broken down so easily. And from this point onwards the variations begin , which are used by many hobby players to adapt the game and the rules to their own needs .

It is very important to know that the goal of landing on exactly zero points requires or requires a certain level of skill. A game cannot be won by blindly throwing at the disc in the hope of eventually landing on zero points, because if a player has 15 points remaining and hits 17, this is considered to have been thrown.

These are dart rules that cannot be changed, but things are different with different variants of the game form X01.

301, 501, 701 or 1001?

Except for the basic rules just mentioned, the format of the game can be changed as desired. The variants with 301, 501, 701 and 1001 points have become established in the dart scene in recent years .

The procedure is always completely the same, regardless of the version. Because the goal is to end up with exactly zero points .

The starting number is often adjusted to the level of the players. It is common for beginners to start with 301 points, while world-class players like to use the 1001 variant, especially in training .

In competition , however, the variant with 501 darts points downwards is usually played. However, as already mentioned, the basic rules remain the same. At smaller tournaments, the 701 darts variant is often used to decide tight constellations .

For example, we were at a tournament where I competed in a group phase with five players . The first two players should move into the knockout phase.

After all the games had been played, I was tied for second place with two other players. But we had also beaten each other with the same result , so the direct comparison or the leg difference couldn't be decisive.

301, 501, 701 or 1001?

So the decision was made in a three-way match in which the three of us played down a leg of 701. But why 701 and not the usual 501?

Quite simply, the longer the distance , the more likely it is that the best player will prevail through his consistency . That's why this form of game is often chosen.

Darts why 501 and not 500?

Many dart players have asked themselves this question and some of them probably know the answer: Why is there 1 at the end of this dart game?

Because you could just as easily play 300, 500, 700 or 1000 points to zero.

The answer is simple: With an even starting number that should be played to zero, a dart player could score continuously over a segment.

An example: With 500 starting points, the player could play the entire leg on the 20. Regardless of whether the game has to be ended with a single out or a double out , the player could remain on a single square or at least a segment.

And this is exactly what the 1 at the end is supposed to prevent . The player is forced to show his skills on the entire dartboard , where he has to target and hit various fields in order to get exactly zero points.

Other game variants – double out, straight out, team matches

The dart game variants can also be adjusted by checking out, i.e. ending a game. That's why, for example, it is possible for inexperienced dart players to first throw on the large individual fields and choose the Straight Out mode .

Only one throw on the simple large field is required to end a game . The Double Out mode is often used in competition. Here the dart players have to be a little more accurate and end a game with a throw on the corresponding double field.

With 20 points remaining, the D10 must be targeted. If you hit the easy 10, you continue on D5. The goal remains to get exactly zero points.

Another variant is the Master Out . The game can even be ended using one of the small triple fields . Although this variant is not required in any steel dart competition, it can at least provide a welcome change during training.

Other game variants – double out, straight out, team matches

Game modes – Legs, Sets, Best of X?

The game modes can also be adjusted as desired . At the World Cup, for example, people often play as follows to win:

  • A player needs three legs to win a set.
  • A leg means that 501 points are thrown to zero .
  • In addition, a certain number of sets are required to finally win the game.

Game modes – Legs, Sets, Best of X?

This goes so far that a best of 13 sets mode is used in the final of the World Cup . So you have to win seven sets to be world champion .

Set mode is almost never used in small tournaments for hobby players. The game is often played in leg mode. Also with the “Best-of-X” leg variant.

The dart rules 501 sets legs are nothing other than what you play at home. That's why you should also incorporate the set format into your training.

Infobox: So if you need 6 legs to win, this means that you are playing in a best-of-11-leg mode. Why? Because a maximum of 11 legs will be played if the final result would be 6:5.

Other cool game options besides 501 darts

You can find these and many other game modes in our exclusive e-book . You can also get motivation and have integrated a 4-week training plan .

This guarantees that nothing can go wrong. That's why we and many of our customers recommend the e-book. Afterwards you can be sure that you are ready for every game . Both mentally and playfully!

Ready to take your skills to a new level? Discover our exclusive secrets and proven methods to optimize your game:

  • The art of tournament planning: Find out how to be professional in our guide Dart tournaments sets up.
  • Better darts through solo training: Dart training games alone . Suitable for all performance classes. Find out now and always throw accurately.
  • Excitement, action and strategy Shanghai Dart : Our guide accompanies you on your way to victory.