Dartspiel Shanghai – Dart Shanghai Regeln schnell erklärt

Lukas ist Dart Fan der ersten Stunde und seit über 10 Jahren passionierter Dartspieler. Spätestens nach dem Besuch der Darts WM 2016 im ehrwürdigen Alexandra Palace mit seinem späteren Co-Founder und damaligen WG-Partner Timm war für ihn klar: Darts muss auch in Deutschland größer und bekannter werden. Mit myDartpfeil und dem weltweit einzigartigen Dartpfeil Konfigurator kann sich jeder Dartspieler - von Anfänger bis Profi - seine eigenen, perfekten Dartpfeile zusammenstellen und individuell gestalten.

There are many dart games. One of the most popular training games is certainly the Shanghai darts game. Now experienced players will sit up and take notice. Many players associate the word “Shanghai” with a very specific high finish in darts – the 120 .

We would like to go into more detail about why this is the case in this blog post. Here you can find out everything about the Shanghai darts game. Variants, rules, naming and the meaning behind this training game .

It is striking that there are different rules for Shanghai darts in many places . So which rules are the correct and original ones? We'll clarify and hope that we can get you excited about the Shanghai darts game too.

The naming of the Dart Shanghai

The Dart Shanghai rules are clearly based on the usual Shanghai finish in darts. The Shanghai Finish is always talked about on TV when a player checks out the 120 with three arrows .

The path here is as follows: T20, 20, D20 or 20, T20, D20 .

In this case, the player hits every field in the 20 segment with three arrows and thereby wins a leg - and also plays a high finish.

When it comes to e-darts, many machines have an integrated game called Shanghai. Therefore, the term Shanghai finish with 120 points remaining is derived from the previous game in e-darts and not the other way around.

The Shanghai dart game – the rules

The important thing in advance: there is no limited number of participants at Dart Shanghai. This means the game can be played with 2, 5 or even 10 players . The Shanghai Dart rules are actually relatively easy to explain compared to other games . For beginners, let's start with the regular version.

The normal variant of Shanghai Darts is that you determine who starts the game with the bull throw before the game begins. The players then throw in turn. The goal here is to hit as many fields as possible in a segment of a number. So the first player throws the 1, the triple 1 and the double 1 - at least this is the goal .

  • One point is awarded for a hit in the individual field
  • Two points for a hit in doubles
  • And with the triple , three points .

The game usually lasts seven rounds . For beginners it is recommended to first play from 1 to 7 . We'll get to the other variants a little later in this blog post.

Whoever hits all the fields in the segment wins the game

At the end, the game is won by the person who has collected the most points .

But be careful: a rake has this variant. If a player actually manages to hit all the fields in a number segment with three arrows, he automatically wins the game. The game is over almost immediately and the number of points previously collected no longer matters.

So it makes less sense to constantly aim for the triples just to collect points. The goal should be to win the game with just three perfect arrows, no matter what you threw beforehand.

Even if you are in last place after six rounds, you can win the game by hitting the 7, D7 and T7 .

In the simple variant, the order in which you hit the fields doesn't matter for the time being. The next variant may be more suitable for advanced players.

Another variant of the Shanghai dart game

In the second variant, the wheat is clearly separated from the chaff. The number of seven rounds to be played remains the same here for the time being. This time it's not about playing the fields of a segment with three arrows.

With this variant of the Dart Shanghai you start at one . If you hit it, the second arrow moves on to 2. So with a hit in the entire segment you move one number forward .

So with seven rounds you have 21 arrows and can even get to the bull in total - as long as you hit the segment with each arrow.

What is initially utopian for beginners is already a great training game for more experienced players. Here, too, you will receive points depending on which field you hit in the segment. So, like the first variant, you collect points in order to win the game at the very end.

But here too the match can end in the first round. The following is necessary for this: Shanghai Finish involves hitting all the fields in a segment with three arrows. In this special variant, however, you have to hit the singles, doubles and triples of three different segments to win the game.

This means, for example, you can play the single one, the double two and the triple three and you have won the game. What sounds so simple will turn out to be extremely difficult in practice.

Another variant of the Shanghai Dart rules for ambitious and experienced players

Another mode is recommended for real professionals. Here you play 20 rounds . In this 20 round you have three arrows for each segment and, like in the previous two variants of Shanghai Darts, you collect points.

The winner is whoever has the most points in their account at the end. So everything is similar to the first variant. However, deciding the game early is only possible if a player manages to play a Shanghai finish.

This means: He has to hit all three fields in a segment - but the double field last.

So a Shanghai finish in darts isn't just 120

The three variants show that Shanghai Darts is a lot of fun and can also be a good training game in a larger group. Furthermore, it can be deduced that a Shanghai finish is not just the 120 , but any finish in which all three squares in a number segment are hit.

For example, 114 , which can be played over T19, 19, D19 , would also be a so-called Shanghai finish. In the darts scene, however, it has become established to only call 120 that way, as it is the only common way to describe a finish in which all three fields in a segment have to be hit .

What this means: 114 is usually played over T20, 14, D20 and not over 19.

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