Steeldart oder Softdart: Welche Dartsport Art ist besser geeignet?

Lukas ist Dart Fan der ersten Stunde und seit über 10 Jahren passionierter Dartspieler. Spätestens nach dem Besuch der Darts WM 2016 im ehrwürdigen Alexandra Palace mit seinem späteren Co-Founder und damaligen WG-Partner Timm war für ihn klar: Darts muss auch in Deutschland größer und bekannter werden. Mit myDartpfeil und dem weltweit einzigartigen Dartpfeil Konfigurator kann sich jeder Dartspieler - von Anfänger bis Profi - seine eigenen, perfekten Dartpfeile zusammenstellen und individuell gestalten.

Especially for a complete beginner, the question arises at the beginning of his darts career whether he should start with steel darts or soft darts or e-darts. Sometimes you certainly have no choice. Or use the variant that is available to you first .

In this blog post we would like to explain which target group the two variants are suitable for. We will also show you what the key differences are.

There are definitely reasons why one option can be significantly better for you than the other. So if you're still unsure: It's worth reading!

Steel dart or soft dart differences

It is the discussion par excellence in darts. Steel dart or soft dart. Two camps have now formed in Germany, which are often mutually hostile.

Although it is not always the case, it is still noticeable . A main reason for this is the rapid development and changes in darts. The target group is often completely different .

First of all, we would like to explain the typical image of the two sports. The first differences become clear here.

Steel darts

When it comes to steel darts, it is often the case that young and new dart players take to the oche. The reason for this is the many TV broadcasts in recent years. That's where the interest in darts really aroused.

Due to the increase in awareness, the number of players has also increased significantly. However, this also means that long-established players have problems getting along with the young audience.

But that is another topic again. In short, the image of steel darts is this: modern, simple, stylish , well- known and now accepted as a real sport .

Soft dart

Unfortunately, this is not the case with soft darts or also known as e-darts. Everyone has probably thrown at an e-dartboard before. However , very few people know how the game really works .

For a long time, e-darts were a game for the general public without the necessary sporting competition - at least in childhood. However, anyone who plays e-darts as a competition will often spend time in inns and pubs .

This is where the electronic dart machines are usually located. The e-dart image consists more of smoky bars and old dart players with beer bellies.

Very important: We at myDartpfeil don't see it that way. Unfortunately, the image in the perception of outsiders corresponds to this. We are confronted with this again and again.

factors for the differences

But what are the real differences between the two sports? Let’s take a different look at the topic of “Steeldart or Softdart”. Because we want to highlight both the positive and negative points of both types of darts. External influences, for example, play an enormous role here.


One of these external influences is volume. While there is often silence with steel darts, with e-darts the machine alone can sometimes be annoyingly loud. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether this bothers a player.

In any case, it can already be observed that with e-darts , less emphasis is placed on rest . And yes: especially in steel darts, the big events thrive on the great and loud atmosphere.

When it comes to amateur players' games, however, things are completely different. Rather, emphasis is placed on the necessary concentration . Also because darts that fall out of the board, for example, do not count. With e-darts, points are counted as soon as the tip touches the board.

So if you're in a party mood and like to shout at the top of your lungs, you're better off with e-darts . Mind you, this blog post refers to the amateur sector.

Calculating with steel darts or soft darts

Computing is another big difference between steel darts or soft darts. While with e-darts the points are conveniently counted down, with steel darts you have to do the math yourself .

For mental freshness, steel darts are certainly a bit more demanding and promote mental arithmetic in the long term. Of course, it could also be that you don't want to do the math during a nice evening in the pub.

Then the electronic dart machine is probably the better choice . One variant, for example, is the CB90 dart machine.

Weight of the darts as a trigger

The weight of the arrows can also be the trigger for ambitious players to choose steel darts. Anyone who plays with heavy arrows, from 20 grams , can actually only play steel darts from a rules perspective.

With soft darts, the weight of the arrows is often a few grams less . Also to protect the machine . The regulations simply do not allow for heavier arrows.

Infobox: For this reason, many dart players choose the steel dart variant sooner or later . At least when they realize that they are even more successful with heavy arrows .

Durability of the materials is another factor

The e-dart variant is certainly cheaper . You do have a lot of wear and tear on the plastic tips . However, you will not incur any further costs after the initial purchase.

Once purchased, your equipment will last for what feels like an eternity. This is different with steel darts. The dartboard usually needs to be replaced after a few years . In addition, breaking off a steel dart tip can result in the purchase of a completely new set of darts.

So if you're looking for a hobby on a budget , the e-dart is the right choice . It doesn't have to be the big machine that you put in your living room. Of course, a cheap e-dart board to hang up will also work.

Steel dart or soft dart difference – the prize money for dart players

First of all, the regulations and dimensions . The two sports steel dart and soft dart are now the same. Some time ago, the distance between e-darts and the oche was a few centimeters more than with steel darts. But those times are over.

Probably the biggest factor in which sport at least really good dart players choose is the prize money . With steel darts you can now earn significantly higher prize money than with the electronic version.

The number of participants in particular is skyrocketing due to the increasing popularity of steel darts . This results in higher entry fees and ultimately higher prize money.

So if you want to regularly supplement your pocket money with your hobby, you should choose the steel darts variant. If you don't care about money in this case, you're better off with e-darts.

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